kasane vavzed (読 : カサネヴァヴゼッド)
Intense, sad, nostalgic, and pioneering, kasane vavzed's sound continues to produce one-of-a-kind works even after more than 10 years of activity. kou's project, which began in 2009, has changed names numerous times and has executed visionary expression without regard to name recognition.
His sound, which weaves unpredictable territory by intentionally reducing sound pressure with his own unique method, is still unknowable even in the age of reiwa, and he continues to be a pioneer in alternative expression.
His debut album “Red,” released in 2022 under the name kasane vavzed, is the first album of 30 songs and 100 minutes in length, making him the first Japanese artist active on the Internet to accomplish such a feat.
In 2023, his second album “Overside”, which aimed at unprecedented noise expression, was released and reached No. 1 on the Apple Japan Techno Chart. It reached No. 1 on the Apple Japan Techno Chart. Despite the lack of overwhelming name recognition in Japan, kasane vavzed won acclaim for its expression alone. In the same year, his collaboration with artist 7_7, “7D,” was selected as the theme song for the final round of a global online game, winning acclaim both domestically and internationally and demonstrating his genre-defying musical abilities.
The scope of kasane vavzed's operation is psychologically extraordinary, as he overcame the extreme challenge of recording and releasing his third album, “Qs,” with a realistic depiction of his personality disorder. The range of kasane vavzed's work is psychologically extraordinary, and many times he conveys a message of necessity that is not the focus of the media in this day and age.
Able to create uniformity in such aspects, kasane vavzed released his fourth album, “Vital,” in 2024 to much acclaim from leading writers and core listeners of the progressive movement. Since then, kasane vavzed has not let go of its global vision, releasing an EP “7K” in collaboration with 7_7, and has maintained a firm position as a progressive style originating from Japan that only kasane vavzed can depict.
kasane vavzed (読: カサネヴァヴゼッド) は、プロデューサー、作曲家、歌手、ソングライター、ディレクター。
激しく、切なく、ノスタルジックで先駆的なkasane vavzedのサウンドは、10年以上の活動期間を経ても唯一無二の作品を生み出し続けている。
2022年にkasane vavzed名義で発表したデビューアルバム『RED』は、全30曲100分という、インターネット上で活動する日本人アーティストとして初の快挙を成し遂げた。2020年代出身ネットアーティストにおいて三形態同時デジタル、30曲封入デビューアルバムリリースを一度に達成した人物はkasane vavzedただ1人である。
2023年、これまでにないノイズ表現を目指した2ndアルバム『Overside』をリリースし、アップルジャパンテクノチャート1位を獲得。日本での圧倒的な知名度はなかったものの、kasane vavzedはその表現力だけで高い評価を得た。同年、アーティストの7_7とのコラボ曲「7D」が世界的オンラインゲームの決勝戦のテーマソングに選ばれるなど、国内外で高い評価を受け、ジャンルを超えた音楽性を発揮。
人格障害をリアルに描いた3rdアルバム『Qs』のレコーディングとリリースという極限を乗り越えたkasane vavzedの活動範囲は尋常ではない。kasane vavzedの作品の幅は心理学的に非凡であり、今の時代のメディアが注目しない必然性のあるメッセージを何度も伝えている。
そうした部分に統一性を持たせることができるkasane vavzedは、2024年に4枚目のアルバム『Vital』を発表し、ライターやコアなリスナーから高い評価を得た。その後も7_7とのコラボレーションEP『7K』をリリースするなど、グローバルな視野を手放すことなく、kasane vavzedにしか描けない日本発の先進的なスタイルとして確固たる地位を築いている。
Born in Japan, raised in Tokyo and now based in Shinagawa, producer, performer and label head kasane vavzed(カサネヴァヴゼッド) – AKA kou/kizumono – has built of innovative and experimental opus. His works, which are woven with various soundscapes, refer to the spiritual darkness and negative spiral that exist among people with disabilities, and the true nature of their hearts, and he continues to insist on an attitude that never denies their outlines.
kasane vavzed released their debut album "Red" in February 2 (2022), that has marked him as a expresser pioneer within the alternative and electronic. In March 2023 of the following year released Second album, "Overside" their reach #1 on the Apple Japan Techno charts. In April of the same year, the single "7D", released as "7_7×kasane vavzed" from 7_7 Official SoundCloud, was officially adopted and used as the final battle theme song for "osu!taiko 2023 World Cup". In December 2023 of the same year, they released their 3rd album "Qs", which received praise from many quarters while showing their attitude of continuing to be close to people with all kinds of disabilities with their experimental sound and expressiveness.
In 2024, they released their first single "Yakou" from the long-awaited "7_7 x kasane vavzed" project, which was used as a theme song for Osu!'s global event, and received a lot of praise from around the world.
May 2024 saw the release of Kasane’s 4th album, Vital, which has been lauded. The sound that incorporates loud, experimental music, electro, and bass music has received high praise from core listeners, and the forward-looking and unique style that can only come from Japan is an original expression that only Kasane Vavzed can draw, was firmly established.